Monday, June 9, 2014

1960 - 1970 Ford Escort

     PEW PEW PEW PEW, VROOOOMMM, the sound of tires screeching and burning rubber fills the air as a bright blue car, the spy car, rounds a corner chasing after an enemy. This is a scene out of a classic Bollywood movie "Munnah Bhai", in which the Ford Escort was an imported spy car for a wealthy character in the movie. This should be an interesting post...
     The origin of the car is in the US, although it was predominantly sold in Europe from 1968 to 2002. The picture above shows the car, and as you can see, it's license plate is from a European country. The car was developed in the USA, but was first unveiled in Brussel Motor's Show in Britain in the year 1968.
     This car not only served the purpose of getting around for the people, but it also was the leading Ford car of the time. It received not much fame in the USA for it's little size, but was amazing popular as a foreign car due to it's small, compact, zippy size. This car also came in different models, some were supercharged for rally racing and others had and elevated trunk to be used as a family car with extra space.
 The car is valuable to us as it's different models served multiple purposes. It show's the want of people of the time. For example, the car's small size made it popular, from this we can assume that cars were becoming increasingly popular and traffic was increasing in Europe. This shows the recovery from war and increase in consumer goods. Now, the car was also used for racing, this shows how there was a development of racing as a professional thing. FYI, the biggest success for this car was in the World Cup Rally in 1970, in which driver Hannu Mikkola won with his Ford Escort Mark I.

     As this car served a useful purpose in it's time, the Ford Escort still has some limitations to what it can tell us about it. The car does not at all express the immense amount of women right movements, gay rights, and civil right movements. Probably biggest of all, it doesn't at all portray what was happening in the Cold War, specifically, the Cuban Missile Crisis.
      This was a great car when it was used in racing and such, served a great purpose for families, and etc. Wait a minute, this isn't a eulogy, it's a blog of what's happenings with this ride. It's not dead, not at all, it's still used today in street racing... Check out this ride ->

Munnah Bhai Bollywood Movie

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