Sunday, April 13, 2014

1940 - 1950 Ford Coupe

   In 1941, Ford developed this new kind of car, the Coupe. Due to the unpredictability surrounding WWII, the production for the vehicle was stopped and later resumed in 1946. The car was a new idea in itself. It was constantly being developed and changed as designers experimented with different parts, such as the front fenders, tires, hoods, etc. Due to the constant changing the car never really reached a final stage.
     As the car changed across the decade of it's production, so did it's purpose. The earlier models were made to as a mid range priced car that would suit people to just get around in style. It later changed to a sports car. The designers at this point, which would be 1945, started to modify the engine rather than focusing only on the aesthetics of the ride. 
     The car beautifully expresses the thoughts of the people at Ford when WWII era came around. The Ford Coupe's production  came to a halt. It later resumed when Ford decided it would be OK. This car isn't the best expression of the decades and people thoughts of the time. Henry Ford was quoted saying that he didn't care about the war and did not want to profit from it. As for other industrial companies that did sign military contracts, they ended up benefiting greatly. The itself progressed as competition to other cars companies that did sign on and profited. 
     This piece is just a car, so it doesn't show if Americans struggled or flourished in the decade. It doesn't reflect the economy either. 

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