Wednesday, May 7, 2014

1950 - 1960 Ford Fairlane 500 Skyliner

      Talk about looking sharp, do you see that thing? Now THAT is a nice sleek looking design. A prediction I have is that the car's design would be later used for the Ford Muscle cars. I dunno...we'll find out in a few more blog posts... 
      The car was made first in 1957 as a sports model car. It's design is based off the previous design of one of their cars, the Crown Victoria Skyliner. The difference is a more powerful engine, a new color (the one in the picture above), and a new complex mechanism that allows the top to slide back into it's trunk. Chrome plated design that the car has was reletivley new and now considered a style, I guess Ford wanted people to go "oooo aaaaa" over shiny stuff (don't we all?).
       Cars tend to have a pretty straight forward purpose, to get people around, quickly. This does just that, it was a full sized car made for going around fast. It really doesn't serve any other purpose.
        There's nothing really BIG going on the world right now, even if there was, a car would not be a good example that portrays whatever even is happening.

Uncle who works for Ford